Non-Surgical Butt Lift


A liquid butt lift or “Sculptra Butt Lift” is an injectable treatment formulation that increases collagen production in the buttocks creating fuller and firmer glutes. Sculptra also helps minimize cellulite, improve stretch marks, and restore structure and volume lost due to weight loss or aging.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do the results last?

Results usually last from one year to 18 months, depending on how much injectable is used in the procedure. The amount used will be based on the desired aesthetic outcome and the specific area treated.


How long does the procedure take?

Liquid butt lift procedures usually take between 30 minutes and one hour.


What side effects should I expect?

Patients typically experience swelling and bruising at the injection sites, though those side effects diminish within one to two weeks.


What can I expect prior to the treatment?

Before treatment, you will have a medical consultation and evaluation to determine the most appropriate treatment type and area. This will be based largely on your desired results and aesthetic needs.